Stop Paying Rent – A guide to becoming a homeowner rather than a home-renter
From basement suites to full houses, renting is a huge business in this country. If you currently rent, you know that paying out those hundreds of dollars every month to line the pockets of your landlord is not a pleasant task. However, like most renters you probably feel stuck in a home that isn't even yours simply because you can't save up that down payment for your own home.
This report contains details on how you can stop paying rent and start contributing to your own financial future, rather than that of your landlord. By knowing some valuable information about the real estate industry, as well as some tips and tricks about property ownership, you'll be able to start on the road from renting to owning. This report will tell you how you can:
- Save for a down payment for your property
- Make best use of your financial institution, and other loan sources
- Consider reversing the rental roles
7 Little-known Facts That Can Help You Purchase Your First Home
Purchasing your first home can be challenging. Your monthly cash flow may easily cover the proposed mortgage costs, but perhaps accumulating the down payment is what you find difficult. Or maybe you have financial reserves, but cash flow is what's holding you back. Whatever the reasons, purchasing a new property can still be accomplished, regardless of your financial standing. Consider the following facts: